Monday, July 7, 2008

i am getting engaged!!!!!

they say (who they ??-- i dont know) life is a roller coaster, ronan keating added -- njoy it!!

well in past 10 days i have experienced it all - happiness, sadness, thrill, fear, anger etc etc etc
jumpa lahiri or such equally acclaimed writer can write a novel based on the events of past 10 days (i always wanted fame - n i always feel i m dramatic enough to warrant a novel based upon me)
note: some of the emotions written here might not have been expressed by me in its entirety - its written for the effects eg, sadness

the approach of my engagement made me ecstatic. then the change of venue of engagement made me angry. the idea of going to india thrills me, and dreams turning to reality excites............and it scares krish -- just being with me 24X7, gives him jitters - that fear has rubbed of me!! i am like a bubbling spring -- i have even become a romantic

we should be fine. we may not like same movies and music -but we are able to force the other one to compulsorily enjoy it, and we may not share same taste in clothes and accessorise - but we find common ground in the fact that my choice is better than his and lastly we may not like the same type of cuisine - he cooks better than me and i love food cooked by others but we often find common ground & on this common ground we wish to build- i want to build a house, krish wants an apartment - a home.
touche' wood
hope all goes fine!!!!!!

Five hundred twenty-five thousandSix hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousandMoments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousandSix hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

how about seasons of love?????????????????
(thanx ash n briggy for intoducing me to "rent")

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Curosity killed the CAT - meowwwwwwwwww

curiosity is the root of all evil. It was George bush's curiosity (amongst other things) of the oil supplies in Iraq which led to war. it was curiosity of invaders which led to repeated invasion and subsequent foreign rule in India. it was Einstein's curiosity which gave us the dreadful 'electron in a box' series of equations and of course -- gravity. it was curiosity of other researchers which gave us America, electricity, telephone ..........and atom bomb, nuclear weapons, and war ..............

dictionary says curiosity is being nosey, meddlesome.........basically a pesky irritating bigot trying to snoop .........but i say curiosity is a quest..............dictionary defines quest as being an odyssey, adventure, investigation ............basically its a crusade in pursuit of knowledge!!!! and to this i say, dictionary should put them as first cousin words. or rather yin and yang - curiosity is yin and quest is yang (--important point: why is yin the negative force feminine and yang the positive force masculine???? but my suffragette ideologies are not the topic today ---)

this whole hunt of words started for me yesterday, i was curious about my cousin's affairs (ahem...affairs: an event or happening). now, i am a great believer in family unity and family talking to each other and sharing things with each other and blah blah basically i read something on orkut which is a good site for gathering information and i wanted some in depth information. my sister said curiosity killed the crow and she took names of couple of other animals and birds till the time i told her it was cat.......and she said that didn't change the fact that i was curious. but i m not curious, i say i was/ still am on a quest for truth. i think this quest is an essential part of all relationships!!!! if there was nothing to discuss amongst two people what would they do??? i know some people would call this GOSSIP, but hey i am just sharing information and its like a theorem -- you make some assumptions from the given facts and arrive at a conclusion proving your hypothesis to be correct -- hurrah!!!! on the way u might get couple of steps this point of time don't get caught as the initiator. second try to clear up as many mistakes as possible and third lie low for few days.

its a fact that girls love to gossip and from all the new research going on at oxford and Cambridge (who pays to do this research??? they should increase our stipends -- we slog at bench work, whereas i m sure these people call the well known stuff as path breaking research) -- that men also love to gossip........So why is gossip an evil word. it is the best topic of conversation and ice breaker among new people. it distracts and relaxes you. it is a recreation.........In short it is somthing i openly admit to liking.

now luckily for me some of my friends are good at this .............and some of my family actually rely on me to get the inside dope on "affairs"......................but that means i m left to do all the hard work of crusade and expedition. this can be exhausting time consuming health affecting..........(going through orkut profiles for hours can affect your vision)........and so i have simple request to everyone, please tell me all that is interesting and don't make me hunt for information.............or else seriously this cat will fall ill.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

ash's reply to aj

Are you loud? Yes!!!
But that needn’t necessarily qualify as a bad virtue. It suggests that you are comfortable voicing your opinions, no matter how belligerent or sometimes annihilative they sound This is in reference to your suggestion of an autoclave massacre… hope I didn’t merit a membership to that group!. But you know what, considering how loud you are, if I did make it to the list, I’d probably hear as loud and clear as a tornado warning and run to the basement to save myself… oh! But wait, the autoclaves ARE in the basement… you planned this all the way didn’t you, you clever (read wicked) witch (read some thing that rhymes with witch)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

books i recommend

read the original chronicles of narnia.........................and i think everyone should read it once, esp the CS Lewis style of narration is unique, u rarely come across a writer who does not want to waste pages describing scenery but gets to the point immediately.
if u esp want to act sentimental and want to shed loads of tears then do read 'P. S. I lOVE YOU' by cecelia ahren and MY SISTERS KEEPER by jodi picoult
and if u r in need of dosage of complete senseless humor read series of UNDEAD bu mary janice davidson...........................

lastly after many years of contemplation i have concluded that wuthering heights was a over rated book and pride and prejudice is much better....

Am I loud???

One thing that bothers me quite regularly is that am i loud?? not in the sense that i wear glaring fluorescent clothes and and scream out my thoughts!!!!

In US people speak in a very low voice -- almost as if they have constipation and they have to blurt out words through their teeth -- me on the contrary speak clearly!! once in a while it does happen to me that i m speaking loudly to combat the high decibel background of my surroundings, but i do make an effort to tone down my voice once in a while. having a full robust healthy indian voice does not help, and having a non melodious commonplace voice is an icing on the cake -- this voice esp works great during seminars when mic is broken........

this brings me to another problem, i always come across people who have great hair (i m losing them at alarming rate -- i should get married soon) great soft voice, great body (anyone who knows me -- knows i m super ATHLETIC --I HAVE HIGH BMR) and i m plagued with constant worry of me looking older than i actually am. I have reached a stage that every time i am asked state id -- as proof of my age, i m elated. it seems to me that when god was distributing these qualities, i was standing last in the queue, or i was lost (it happens to me regularly, i forget directions) or i was standing in the wrong queue or i was asleep or worse yet, i was so busy getting second helping of education that i was late (to me this seems most plausible).

well getting back to point, why cant US people speak clearly?? why do they have to whisper?? imagine 12 - 15 people in elevators all whispering to each other..... its worse than indian fish market. it sounds like a conspiracy to throw u off the elevator or worse it sounds like they r marking u as a FOREIGNER!!! (which is true but don't point it out to me)
and worse is yet to come. as a PhD student u associate with all "matured, decent, hard working" = old whispering individuals through out the day and then u encounter the screaming mindless young crowd of undergraduates....................they speak so loudly that sometimes i feel as if they want whole cafeteria to know their evening plans or worse yet their opinion on US polls, which is very enlightening........
to be fair, only Americans need not be blamed. the Chinese students give the term Chinese whispers an entirely new meaning. and indian and chinese students form the majority. the only difference is that the chinese speak in there language with fellow chinese. whereas, indians when they get out of country try to don foreign feathers and as a result it almost seems as if they r also plotting behind ur back............... as one of my friend says -- conducting a 'medical school/biological sciences autoclave massacre' seems a very attractive proposition.....though it does not solve my problem -- am i loud..

Monday, March 3, 2008

nerdy me??

I made some decent friends here…………..all r phd students. This was not intentional…..i was actually hoping to catch some hip crowd of masters students, go to parties and get a LIFE!!!! But I realized that everywhere in world opposites attract, except in med/bio sciences where like students attract like students.
The more nerdy u r, the more nerdy friend u will get ( nerdy = intelligent, and trust me u want to look nerdy or u will look like a loner, loner = successful bastard/bitch who got lucky with publications – and probably that’s why he/she is happy). Fortunately I look nerdy (I m not loner material) and I make friends quite quickly, but they soon realize it was all pretense on my part and that I m not actually THAT NERDY and they soon abandon me. Luckily I found couple of pretentious nerds around me and we hang out a lot.

But recently we realized that our pretense was turning into reality. I can’t delve into the situation when this realization hit us, or rather hit me……..but I m stunned. I have always considered myself studious not nerdy!!!!! Will have to ask krish abt it, get second opinion and analyze it. Is there a point of return for me or am I doomed forever????


well my krish thought my previous blog was BORING.......(just like me -- but he being kind n considerate didn't say 'like you' -- just said its too boring) he thinks i am better at writing textbook answers. At least none of my profs have said that my writing is boring............

the actual funny part is that the one person i listen to seriously is krish - BF. it doesn't necessarily mean that i do things the way he wants them to be done but its a huge accomplishment, just listening to someone else. and i am getting better at it. also him having a nice soothing melodious voice helps a lot -- my ears r not strained (i hate high pitched whines) . and i do actually listen!!!

i might have dyslexia (after watching TZP) or an attention deficit disorder. i just go blank and zone out when people are speaking. for example today in middle of computational dynamics i started thinking abt me and M working in same lab and then me having to kill rats --- rats!!!!!
but the thing is i think a lot abt M -- dont take me wrong.
she dropped a subject coz she was stressed and she fainted. now i am taking twice the number of subjects but me i m never stressed. and occasionally if i scream (which happens only 3 -4 times in a day depending on how many irritating conversations i have) then i m letting off steam. and if i m studying twice as hard then its my indian blood which cant be satisfied with anything less than an A grade. and the indian stamina keeps me from fainting also .i dream of fainting so that i can take a day off -- but fainting happens only in dreams not in my reality. and its my indian sycophancy which make me sweet and amiable towards my profs.
i have to thank India for many things including for krish who thinks i write crap.
well i m just letting off steam!