Saturday, May 31, 2008

books i recommend

read the original chronicles of narnia.........................and i think everyone should read it once, esp the CS Lewis style of narration is unique, u rarely come across a writer who does not want to waste pages describing scenery but gets to the point immediately.
if u esp want to act sentimental and want to shed loads of tears then do read 'P. S. I lOVE YOU' by cecelia ahren and MY SISTERS KEEPER by jodi picoult
and if u r in need of dosage of complete senseless humor read series of UNDEAD bu mary janice davidson...........................

lastly after many years of contemplation i have concluded that wuthering heights was a over rated book and pride and prejudice is much better....

Am I loud???

One thing that bothers me quite regularly is that am i loud?? not in the sense that i wear glaring fluorescent clothes and and scream out my thoughts!!!!

In US people speak in a very low voice -- almost as if they have constipation and they have to blurt out words through their teeth -- me on the contrary speak clearly!! once in a while it does happen to me that i m speaking loudly to combat the high decibel background of my surroundings, but i do make an effort to tone down my voice once in a while. having a full robust healthy indian voice does not help, and having a non melodious commonplace voice is an icing on the cake -- this voice esp works great during seminars when mic is broken........

this brings me to another problem, i always come across people who have great hair (i m losing them at alarming rate -- i should get married soon) great soft voice, great body (anyone who knows me -- knows i m super ATHLETIC --I HAVE HIGH BMR) and i m plagued with constant worry of me looking older than i actually am. I have reached a stage that every time i am asked state id -- as proof of my age, i m elated. it seems to me that when god was distributing these qualities, i was standing last in the queue, or i was lost (it happens to me regularly, i forget directions) or i was standing in the wrong queue or i was asleep or worse yet, i was so busy getting second helping of education that i was late (to me this seems most plausible).

well getting back to point, why cant US people speak clearly?? why do they have to whisper?? imagine 12 - 15 people in elevators all whispering to each other..... its worse than indian fish market. it sounds like a conspiracy to throw u off the elevator or worse it sounds like they r marking u as a FOREIGNER!!! (which is true but don't point it out to me)
and worse is yet to come. as a PhD student u associate with all "matured, decent, hard working" = old whispering individuals through out the day and then u encounter the screaming mindless young crowd of undergraduates....................they speak so loudly that sometimes i feel as if they want whole cafeteria to know their evening plans or worse yet their opinion on US polls, which is very enlightening........
to be fair, only Americans need not be blamed. the Chinese students give the term Chinese whispers an entirely new meaning. and indian and chinese students form the majority. the only difference is that the chinese speak in there language with fellow chinese. whereas, indians when they get out of country try to don foreign feathers and as a result it almost seems as if they r also plotting behind ur back............... as one of my friend says -- conducting a 'medical school/biological sciences autoclave massacre' seems a very attractive proposition.....though it does not solve my problem -- am i loud..