Monday, July 7, 2008

i am getting engaged!!!!!

they say (who they ??-- i dont know) life is a roller coaster, ronan keating added -- njoy it!!

well in past 10 days i have experienced it all - happiness, sadness, thrill, fear, anger etc etc etc
jumpa lahiri or such equally acclaimed writer can write a novel based on the events of past 10 days (i always wanted fame - n i always feel i m dramatic enough to warrant a novel based upon me)
note: some of the emotions written here might not have been expressed by me in its entirety - its written for the effects eg, sadness

the approach of my engagement made me ecstatic. then the change of venue of engagement made me angry. the idea of going to india thrills me, and dreams turning to reality excites............and it scares krish -- just being with me 24X7, gives him jitters - that fear has rubbed of me!! i am like a bubbling spring -- i have even become a romantic

we should be fine. we may not like same movies and music -but we are able to force the other one to compulsorily enjoy it, and we may not share same taste in clothes and accessorise - but we find common ground in the fact that my choice is better than his and lastly we may not like the same type of cuisine - he cooks better than me and i love food cooked by others but we often find common ground & on this common ground we wish to build- i want to build a house, krish wants an apartment - a home.
touche' wood
hope all goes fine!!!!!!

Five hundred twenty-five thousandSix hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousandMoments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousandSix hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

how about seasons of love?????????????????
(thanx ash n briggy for intoducing me to "rent")