Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Phil : Deliberate OR Foolish

every year on Feb 2 or 12 they have this day called -- ground hog day -- in USA. now stop scurrying for wikipedia to know more abt ground hog, to understand this blog u just need to know its one of those furry hibernating animals which dig up holes n live in them. almost like humans, after all we sleep for 8 hrs a day and i know many people who happily sleep for more than 12 hrs......besides we dig situational holes for ourselves.

anyways, so in Pennsylvania, in middle of forest i.e. nowhere, the cloaked n hooded human figures go and they find a ground hog called Phil. now an interesting thing is, that a particular ground hog is Phil, coz this tradition has been going on for more than 200 years, i m sure many Phil's must have come and gone. continuing further with my story, they find this Phil and dig him out of his nice little hole. the theory is that if the Phil sees his shadow he will go back into his hole and America will suffer 6 weeks of further intense cold, but if he fails to see his shadow then spring will arrive sooner. i am pretty sure that Phil doesn't even know what a shadow is. and poor Phil is so scarred being woken up in middle of winter and being held by its tail in air by various hooded humans that it is no wonder that he goes back into his hole regardless of shadow being present or not.

this makes u wonder that in every human there is a Phil. we all roam around on warm sunny days gathering nuts and on those cold horrid days, we take our booty of happiness i.e. nuts, or in human case, chocolates; and go into our comfort zone - in front of TV. we become so comfortable being sad and depressed, that any hint of sunshine scares us. and then when sunshine comes we do bask in it but we are always aware of those horrid winters for which we have to collect nuts. then in middle of depression, when a stranger accosts us (Feb 2) we run, and run escape our shadow.
u see we humans know what a shadow is. and at that time we get to wonder, if our actions were deliberate or foolish, coz if we would have not run, then we would have seen sunshine!!!

so all u humans, don't think too seriously over this blog, coz this Phil (that's me) knows that the summer is going to be here soon..........i already have my capris n t's ready......................
warning: last year i was preparing for summer since before my b'day, but winter got over after 1st week of April. so this Phil might be little unreliable which might be injurious to ur health!!!

p.s. dedicated to krish. hope u get it.