Friday, March 6, 2009

being womanly -- any girl above 23 will understand

I want to keep my trip to France 'hush hush' and so what better way than to post it on Internet and let the whole wide world know about it.

I wake up at midnight, 6:30am and get ready for the lab. I am in the lab at sharp 7am and work straight till1pm. lot of productive work too.........which enforces my point, that I follow the carrot principle (for those who don't know the principle: a donkey responds to carrot or stick. I work like a donkey and i respond to carrot......i think donkeys are cute). My boss then keeps on discussing the results till2:30pm and doesn't seem to notice that I am in a rush to leave. Anyways, I catch the bus at 4pm. I reach Chicago and the hotel subsequently (my life is not full of adventure so stop expecting one in next few lines). I use my extreme charm and get a studio room with a kitchenette for the price of an economy room from desk attendant. AND THEN.............i get to watch TV for 2 hours before I sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So next day I wake up, get dressed, and I am carrying my papers in this trendy bag slung over my shoulder..............I wear a light blue jeans for the casual effect and a black shirt for that formal feel. I wear a light wool pink sweater on I am feeling as if I have achieved the pinnacle of BALANCED FASHION and I am walking PURPOSEFULLY (very important -- walking purposefully, generally the only purpose of my walking anywhere is that I have no car) down the Michigan avenue; looking like a smart confident focused WOMAN. I see this blind man walking across from me, and he stumbles and since I have been diagnosed with probable glaucoma, I have had special regards for I think, I should be a good women and help him, when.....................I fall -- notice that i haven't said i stumble --- I scraped both my knees, my palms and two knuckles. all purpose, fashion, focus, and womanliness faded away!!!!!!!!!!

So, that's my adventure of Chicago. to cut long story short and save myself from further embarrassment I will cut the story short and just say that, few women came to help me up, I crossed the street went to consulate, finished my interview and then to cheer me up bought new sandals.............maybe next time they will help me to feel womanly!!!!!!!!!!!