Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Curosity killed the CAT - meowwwwwwwwww

curiosity is the root of all evil. It was George bush's curiosity (amongst other things) of the oil supplies in Iraq which led to war. it was curiosity of invaders which led to repeated invasion and subsequent foreign rule in India. it was Einstein's curiosity which gave us the dreadful 'electron in a box' series of equations and of course -- gravity. it was curiosity of other researchers which gave us America, electricity, telephone ..........and atom bomb, nuclear weapons, and war ..............

dictionary says curiosity is being nosey, meddlesome.........basically a pesky irritating bigot trying to snoop .........but i say curiosity is a quest..............dictionary defines quest as being an odyssey, adventure, investigation ............basically its a crusade in pursuit of knowledge!!!! and to this i say, dictionary should put them as first cousin words. or rather yin and yang - curiosity is yin and quest is yang (--important point: why is yin the negative force feminine and yang the positive force masculine???? but my suffragette ideologies are not the topic today ---)

this whole hunt of words started for me yesterday, i was curious about my cousin's affairs (ahem...affairs: an event or happening). now, i am a great believer in family unity and family talking to each other and sharing things with each other and blah blah basically i read something on orkut which is a good site for gathering information and i wanted some in depth information. my sister said curiosity killed the crow and she took names of couple of other animals and birds till the time i told her it was cat.......and she said that didn't change the fact that i was curious. but i m not curious, i say i was/ still am on a quest for truth. i think this quest is an essential part of all relationships!!!! if there was nothing to discuss amongst two people what would they do??? i know some people would call this GOSSIP, but hey i am just sharing information and its like a theorem -- you make some assumptions from the given facts and arrive at a conclusion proving your hypothesis to be correct -- hurrah!!!! on the way u might get couple of steps this point of time don't get caught as the initiator. second try to clear up as many mistakes as possible and third lie low for few days.

its a fact that girls love to gossip and from all the new research going on at oxford and Cambridge (who pays to do this research??? they should increase our stipends -- we slog at bench work, whereas i m sure these people call the well known stuff as path breaking research) -- that men also love to gossip........So why is gossip an evil word. it is the best topic of conversation and ice breaker among new people. it distracts and relaxes you. it is a recreation.........In short it is somthing i openly admit to liking.

now luckily for me some of my friends are good at this .............and some of my family actually rely on me to get the inside dope on "affairs"......................but that means i m left to do all the hard work of crusade and expedition. this can be exhausting time consuming health affecting..........(going through orkut profiles for hours can affect your vision)........and so i have simple request to everyone, please tell me all that is interesting and don't make me hunt for information.............or else seriously this cat will fall ill.


A 'beautiful' mind said...

heres something that should arouse your curiosity... if winners never quit and quitters never win, then who the ***k said 'quit while you are ahead'. OR... if every law has an exception, why is murphy so special that there are no exceptions to his laws

aj said...

after yesterday's competition of scientific-language-usage-in-innocuous-everyday-language, u have toppled me. i was being passively transported without aid of carrier, but ur active transport coupled to glucose wins!!!!!!!!!!